Friday, November 21, 2008


Den & I went to see Twilight tonight and I must say I liked the movie better than I thought I was going to. Bella's house was just the way I pictured it and they did a good job at picking Emmett's character. They did not do a good job at the chemistry between Bella and Edward, while reading the book, you get this build up of chemistry between the two and I was disappointed at the movie from that angle. Bella didn't have the heart throbing display when Edward touched her like she did in the book. There was also alot of humor as well. I missed some of the part where Bella goes to the Cullens, I had to pee so bad!!!!! The scene where Edward took Bella out of his window and up a tree was awesome. I was a little disappointed because they left out alot of detail but I know the movie was already 2 hours long. I can't wait until the next movie comes out, I heard a rumor that it is going to be New Moon and Eclipse combined..... we'll just have to wait and see.

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