Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Just Want to be a Mommy!

Infertility SUCKS! It is even more difficult when friend after friend has baby after baby and you are left with empty arms. Next month marks our 4 year mark of trying to become parents....I really didn't think it would take this long. We have been working with our fertility specialist Dr. Binor out of Copley for almost a year and I absolutely adore the man! We started doing treatments in June of this year after years of just trying and waiting and talking about adoption. I just had an appointment with him a few weeks ago and he would like to move on to IVF. It scares me just because of all the meds you have to be on and having to go under to remove my eggs. I used to be afraid of doctors, needles and the thought of going under. When we first started this "infertility journey" I told myself I would not undergo IVF. Now 4 years later I am ready to go but a little nervous. It is funny how wanting something so bad makes you change the way you feel about it! The crappy thing about this whole situation is that I lost my job back in June, the job with killer almost to good to be true insurance that covered everything. Well Dennis new job offers insurance. However, said job's insurance does not cover infertility treatments, meaning I have to take Cobra from my previous employer totalling a whopping $500 a month just for me! Really! Why is this fair? Did we ask to not be able to have children the conventional way? Why do we have to pay oddles and oddles of money just to have a child of our own? There should be some relief given here, its not our fault.
So for the past 4 years, I have been a big emotional grump who is jealous of any pregnant woman that comes into my radius. I am hit with struggle after struggle to become a parent and sometimes I ask myself if I am ever going to get that chance? I just want to be a mommy!


Katie said...

oh Tara! I am so sorry...i can only imagine how you feel..luke and i have had several, SEVERAL friends that have had infertility problems. It's one of those trials that we don't understand...anyway, good luck with everything.
BTW, you might want to look at getting a job with the federal gov't. They have AMAZING coverage and will cover you with pre-exisiting conditions!!
let me know if you need anything!

Jenna said...

i am so sorry. we've been married for 4 yrs too. i think you took the words right out of my mouth. we've been trying too but no luck for a year...well after my first miscarriage. hopefully ivf isnt in my future but if that is what it takes then so be it! life is so unfair sometimes and i dont know why teenagers can get pregnant but loving parents cant...hmmm. it will all work out. god has a plan. i just keep having faith and telling myself that. :)