I am almost 2 weeks behind on posting this as Thursday marks week 37. I had a Dr appointment last Monday, was told I was dilated to 1 and my Dr. sent me for an ultrasound because I was measuring small.....saw little Lydia on Wednesday and she weighed in around 6lbs and looked great! She was moving all over the place and had her little hands by her chin the whole time.
Had Braxton Hicks contractions last night, not painful, just a rock hard tummy. Oh and little Lydia entertained my friends this weekend at my Scentsy party and again at our fondue night with her kicking moves. She was making my tummy move side to side like giant waves. My sister thinks she will make one heck of a soccer player with the way she has been kicking me lately. Her new thing is to stretch her butt out on my right side and then her feet on the left, quiet painful if you ask mommy but I think its cute.
We are nearing the end here, she really could come at any time. Her room just has a few minor things to finish and I need to finish getting my hospital bag together. I am getting anxious about labor and delivery. Not knowing what to expect, I just want to get it done and over with and get her settled in at home. I really am going to miss being pregnant and I hope that I get the opportunity to be again someday, it really has been a great experience and I can't complain, I am just now starting to actually feel pregnant. No swollen body parts, can still tie my shoes, have been wearing some non maternity tops and I am still sleeping through the night with 1 bathroom break about halfway through. Don't know if she is just being nice and letting me enjoy the sleep now because she is planning on being up for most of the night or if she is going to be a stellar sleeper like her daddy and I are.