Saturday, January 31, 2009

Is life really that boring?

Ok so I know it's been what..half a month since I have posted anything. Life has been pretty boring and busy these last 2 weeks. Dennis and I are just busy making a living and of course I am working too much. It's been nice to have Dennis be the one to clean, to the laundry and take care of Monster. Last week, I hurt myself working out and ending up not being able to walk the next day. I called into work and went to the chiropractor for a little TLC. I found out my high arch has caused my news to go sideways, making my joints rub the wrong way hence creating major pain whenever I do any physcial activity. I guess this just show how out of shape I am but it explains why I was in so much pain and pulled my tendon in my foot last May when I ran the 5K. Fortunetly for me, it is fixable. In the meantime, I have already met me deductable from my visits to the good 'ole doc. 3 times a week. Too bad we aren't having a baby this year, everything would be covered 100%! Dennis was so wodnerful for the 5 days I walked around like a 90 year old woman, not even able to pull up my own pants! Embarrising, I know. He was a good sport though and I appreciate his help. I am now to the point where as long as I do a good long stretch after my workout, I'm golden. I have never enjoyed stretching so much, it feels so good! So that's pretty much what's been going on in a nutshell.

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